Message from Campus

Our school Anita methodist is a vibrant and nurturing environment where academic excellence and personal growth are at the forefront of our mission. Our dedicated teachers are passionate and committed to inspiring curiosity and creativity in their students. International exposure, leadership, extra curricular activities and sports infuse every Amster to go beyond their boundary. Through their dedication and innovative lessons our School play a pivotal role in shaping the future of our students.
Our school ensures that we are guided not only in our career paths but also in our spiritual journeys. Our dedicated and prayerful teachers lead us in all ways to live and glorify Him alone. Being the first to conduct Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) demonstrates the importance our school places on guiding us along the right path.
We belong to an amazing Senate team, where young leaders are privileged to serve both God and our school community. In this role, we take on responsibilities that enhance school culture and foster strong collaboration between students and teachers. It is an honor to guide and support our peers as we work together to create a positive and unified environment.
Anita Methodist is a comforting home with dedicated, loving, and kind staff. They consistently ensure that everyone feels special and well cared for.
We are profoundly grateful for this opportunity to lead during the 2023-2024 academic year, recognizing it as a true blessing from the Almighty.
With regards,
Haruz and Arpana
School Pupil Leaders 23-24